
What You Need to Hear For the New Year

This year, I will lose fifty pounds, hike up Mount Everest, and stop grinding my teeth. I know some of these sounds a bit far fetched ; however, these are just a few examples of some of the New Years’ resolutions we make for ourselves before the start of the year. I can attest that I have no workout plan, don’t even know how to climb a mountain, and grind my teeth anytime I get the chance. However, it’s something about when the New Year comes around that I often hold myself to these standards. 

The truth about New Year’s resolutions is that shit takes time.

It is something that doesn’t happen overnight, yet we often find ourselves feeling bad when we don’t complete them. “Ughh, I skipped gym day today, no way, I am going to lose fifty pounds now”, “Why do I keep grinding my teeth?”, “What if I am not able to climb Mount Everest?” These intrusive thoughts hurt us in the long run and make us forget to celebrate the little joys along the way. 

Drake once said, “Sometimes it is the journey that teaches you a lot about the destination.” and while some may argue that he is no philosopher, I think Drake was right. In life, we hold ourselves to reaching many destinations; however, we often fall blind to the journey that it will entail. Of course, there will be ups and downs; however, that is what makes the moment so bittersweet when you finally reach your destination. 

No matter if your destination in 2022 is to be at the top of Mount Everest, be fifty pounds lighter, or be a former teeth grinder, I hope that you celebrate every little win among the way. I hope you celebrate when you lose your first five pounds or haven’t grinded your teeth for a week. I hope you can push yourself when you feel like you’ve reached your limits, and I hope that you learn to believe that every moment needs celebration. Most importantly, I hope you can look back at the end of 2022 on the challenging moments that led you to where you are now. 

Don’t get so blinded by reaching your destination that you forget to enjoy the sweet moments of your journey. 

Forever and Always, 


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